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Bulletin Ad

**NEW** PRICE:$20.00 per hour

New thing I am going to start is a SPEED POST. This is basically where I post a bulletin as many times as I possibly can in a certain amount of time. This is a great way to get viewers to ur site in a short amount of time. I will be posting 20-40 and maybe more bulletins during this time. Please note that I do need to erase these bulletins but the fact that they are being posted one after another make up for it. This is much more affective than a single bulletin and will quadruple the results of one post as well.

PRICE:$5.00 USD per Bulletin

This is obviously one of my more popular choices of promotion. Results depend on a variety of things. One people your actual bulletin. Im going to get many many people to see your ad, but if you tell them when they are getting right away then they have the choice to say "No, I will not go here". The best way is to lead them to your site. Almost trick them so they can decide if they want to stay or leave once they were there. You may say that you want people who want to see what you have. You will get more people to be interested if you are a little bit more sneaky. These bulletins will go out to 36,000 people. If you buy in bunches then I will make some kind of deal with you.

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