For All Your Myspace Promotion Needs

Well first off I would like to say hello to all to you. With this site I am trying to make an easier forum for us to do business. I have been a Myspace member for about 2 years now and have loved every second of it. I was reluctant at first to join this site, but thanks to an ex GF I am now what you all know as a "Myspace Whore". I have built many accounts and I have seen most things you can see on myspace. I am in the middle of writing an E-Book about how to use Myspace more efficiently and how to get the most out of your "friends". I am hoping to clear up many of the questions you new Myspacers have. When this book is complete, it will be available to all you for purchase. At the moment I have a 36,000 friend account and I have many contacts that have much more. I do my best to make my customer happy with what they buy and with what I do. Ive always got new Ideas , so make sure you take advantage of my knowledge. I hope your navigation on this site goes well for you and you find what you are looking for.
Contact Info:

Email: Favabeans11@yahoo.com
MSN SN: Favra11@hotmail.com

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